skateboard wheels

Skateboarding first begun in the nineteen fifties, which was when surfers all across California got the bright idea that they were going to try and surf the streets. Even though no one actually knows exactly who made the very first skateboard, it appears that several different people came up with a lot of similar ideas all at the exact same time. There have been several people that have claimed that they have invented the very first skateboard, however nothing can really be proven and the skateboarding still remains being a very spontaneous and strange creation.
The very first skateboarders began with wooden boards or boxes with some roller skate wheels slapped onto the bottom. Just like you would imagine, there were a lot of people that got hurt during the early years of skateboarding. Skateboarding was just a sport that was being discovered and born, so just about anything went. All of the boxes eventually turned into planks, and the companies eventually were producing decks that were created with pressed wood layers which are very similar to the skateboard decks we use today.
It was during this time that skateboarding was viewed as something that could be done for fun after having gone surfing. During nineteen sixty three, skateboarding was at the very peak of its popularity and some companies such as Hobie and Makaha, and Jack all began holding competitions for skateboarding. At this particular time, skateboarding was mainly freestyle or downhill slalom. Woody Woodward, Torger Johnson as well as Danny Berer all were some very respectable skateboarders at this particular time; however they looked completely different than what skateboarding appears as today. Freestyle, which was their particular style of skateboarding, was a lot more similar to ice skating or dancing ballet with a skateboard.
In nineteen sixty five, the popularity of skateboarding suddenly crashed and most people just assumed that skateboarding was a fad that had faded out, just like the hoola hoop. All of the skateboarding companies had no choice but to fold and all of the people that still possessed the desire to skate all had to make their very own skateboards again right from scratch.
However, there were still some people that skated, even though all of the parts that were needed for their skateboards were very hard to find and the boards were all home made. The skaters were using boards that were made out of clay wheels, which was very hard to control and very dangerous. However later on in nineteen seventy two, Frank Nasworthy invented the urethane skateboard wheels, these are very similar to the wheels that are most commonly used by skateboarders today. Cadillac Wheels was the name of his company and his invention was what sparked a brand new interested among young people and surfers in skateboarding.
During the spring months of nineteen seventy five, skateboarding was able to take an evolutionary boost forward into the sport that we are currently seeing today.

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